
· goat's blog

This is inspired by a disabled hydra. We may not care about you, specifically, but it brought forth emotions concerning others.

Mental Health! #

What is it? Why does it matter?

We want to hear from you, fellow Dread Pirate Roberts' How do you rate your current mental state and health? How do you deal with stress, and burnout? Are you aware of when your mental health is declining? What are your signs, your tells, etc. -- that you're not performing at your peak? How do you realign yourself?

PRIZE: DEADLINE: 7/9/24 02:00 UTC

Rules for Engagement: #

  1. Subscribe to /d/goatchick
  2. Account must be at least one-week-old
  3. Low-effort entries will be tossed aside

Your format for this mission, should you choose to accept it: #

Write how you would like. You can bullet-point or number your areas of focus. Write an exposé. Write a 'gangster rap' Construct a haiku Whatever you so choose, but it must address a few points: a) Are you generally aware your mental health, and when it changes for you b) What steps have you taken in your life to improve mental health c) What tips do you have to improve -- one short term tip, one long term d) When you need to 'disconnect' from reality/stress, what do you do? Where do you go? e) What is one thing you'd like to remind yourself? f) What is one goal you have for yourself, for the month of July?

Remember, someone out there loves you. It's probably not me. Or her. But someone. <3

Remember to subscribe to /d/goatchick See you in 24 hours!